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Sponsor an Athletic Training Student Sideline Medical Pack

Raised toward our $1,700 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on August 15, at 11:59 PM MDT
Project Owners

Keeping Athletic Training Students in the Game

We are raising funds to support the purchase of new sideline medical packs for the Masters in Athletic Training students. The University of Montana offers an accelerated Master’s in Athletic Training Program. This program allows students to take three years of pre-requisite courses and general education requirements, followed by 2 years’ full time in a Master’s in Athletic Training program, including summers often leaving little time for students to work outside of the professional program. Athletic trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities. Students who want to become certified athletic trainers must earn a degree from an accredited athletic training curriculum. Accredited programs include formal instruction in areas such as injury/illness prevention, immediate and emergency care, assessment of injury/illness, therapeutic interventions, healthcare administration, and professional responsibility. Classroom learning is enhanced through clinical education experiences. Students are often in the classroom 15-20 hours a week followed by clinical rotations in a variety of settings (high schools, clinics, colleges, medical centers) for 20-30 hours a week. AT students work alongside licensed athletic trainers to help provide medical care to those who are injured on the playing field. Having immediate access to medical supplies in a wearable medical pack to care for a bleeding wound or assess an injury is essential when time is of the essence.  

What your donation will support:

  • Purchase of a sideline medical pack for athletic training students enrolled in the Masters in Athletic Training program
  • Purchase of medical supplies to stock the medical pack (scissors, pocket masks, wound care supplies, etc)
  • Velcro patches with the AT logo to secure to the medical pack to help identify the athletic training students on the sideline

Assisting with the purchase of these packs ensures that students have one less cost associated with their journey through graduate school on their way to certification. This allows each student to focus their efforts on being successful in the classroom and in their clinical rotations. Each pack costs $95 and the additional supplies that fill the pack, another $50-$75. Please consider supporting our efforts to ensure our athletic training students are prepared for clinical rotations and are ready for patient care.

Choose a giving level


Supplies for a pack

Each sideline medical pack requires approximately $75 in supplies.


Sideline Medical Pack

Sideline medical packs cost $95


Fully Supplied Medical Pack

A fully supplied sideline medical pack costs $170